Converge Hosts the Second Annual Title X Convening

April 2024


Converge held its annual Title X Convening on April 10th and 11th in Jackson, MS. Over 70 guests from Mississippi Title X Clinics and potential Tennessee Title X clinics were invited to Jackson to gain knowledge on Converge, Title X, and receive resources that can further assist them giving quality sexual and reproductive care to their patients.

Although the bad weather halted the full experience, our guests did enjoy a full day of information regarding Title X requirements and resources. They also participated in trainings focusing data and evaluation, as well as a training on Nexplanon implementation.

The Converge staff had a second day of events planned for the participants, however the staff extended its gratefulness to the attendees for their understanding and patience in regards to the bad weather.

We thank them for trusting us in knowing their safety was a top priority. We look forward to next year’s convening and continuous expansion with Mississippi and Tennessee.