Title X

Title X Overview

Title X (“Title Ten”) is a federal grant program that allows residents to get free or low cost care for birth control, STD testing and treatment, HIV testing, cancer screenings, and many other important family planning and preventive healthcare services. Title X clinics are required to offer confidential care to any patient, including minors. This means that minors can receive services without their parents being notified. The cost of services provided at Title X clinics depends on your income, with many patients qualifying for discounted or free care.

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What’s Happening with Title X

Converge is Granted Title X Federal Funding for Tennessee

Converge is Granted Title X Funding to Offer Reproductive Health Care in TN. October 2023 [Jackson, MS] – On Friday, September 29. 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human…

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Title X Federal Funding Awarded to Converge to Support a Statewide Network of Family Planning Providers

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced an award of $4.5 million to Converge to support a statewide network of Title X providers beginning April 1,…

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