January 2024

Converge staff and members of our Patient Experience Council gathered for “Repro Day at the Capitol” hosted by Mississippi Votes (MS Votes) and Planned Parenthood Southeast PPSE). This was an opportunity for allied organizations to come together and advocate for reproductive rights within our state. During this visit, MS Votes and PPSE led an informative discussion on the legislative process and how to lobby and/or be an effective advocate during the session.
We were honored to have Representative Zakiya Summers and Representative Timaka James-Jones share information on relevant reproductive health legislation, including: The Contraceptive Act (House Bill 1154), Medicaid Expansion (House Bill 1146), the Crown Act (House Bill 955) and more. As a nonprofit fighting for quality reproductive and sexual healthcare for all, we prioritize supporting allied organizations in advocacy as well as remaining aware of the impacts proposed legislation could have on our work.